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Photo: Thabang Nkwanyana © iceeimage


Get to know the people that are part of the Wits-TUB-UniLag Urban Lab. Here you can find the out more about the project's team, the current scholarship holders and alumni.

Core Team

Student AssistantTU Berlin

Dilara Uçar
Dilara Uçar
Dilara UçarStudent AssistantTU Berlin

Postdoctoral FellowUniversity of the Witwatersrand

Emmanuel Tolulope Busayo
Emmanuel Tolulope Busayo
Emmanuel Tolulope BusayoPostdoctoral FellowUniversity of the Witwatersrand

Postdoctoral FellowUniversity of Lagos

Haruna Jimoh
Haruna Jimoh
Haruna JimohPostdoctoral FellowUniversity of Lagos

Project CoordinatorTU Berlin

Lucas‐Andrés Elsner
Lucas‐Andrés Elsner
Lucas‐Andrés ElsnerProject CoordinatorTU Berlin

Principal Investigator University of the Witwatersrand

Marie Huchzermeyer
Marie Huchzermeyer
Marie HuchzermeyerPrincipal Investigator University of the Witwatersrand

Principal InvestigatorUniversity of the Witwatersrand

Mfaniseni Sihlongonyane
Mfaniseni Sihlongonyane
Mfaniseni SihlongonyanePrincipal InvestigatorUniversity of the Witwatersrand

Scientific CoordinatorTU Berlin

Nadine Appelhans
Nadine Appelhans
Nadine AppelhansScientific CoordinatorTU Berlin

Principal InvestigatorTU Berlin

Philipp Misselwitz
Philipp Misselwitz
Philipp MisselwitzPrincipal InvestigatorTU Berlin

Postdoctoral FellowUniversity of Lagos

Samson Olanrewaju
Samson Olanrewaju
Samson OlanrewajuPostdoctoral FellowUniversity of Lagos

Principal InvestigatorUniversity of Lagos

Taibat Lawanson
Taibat Lawanson
Taibat LawansonPrincipal InvestigatorUniversity of Lagos

Project CoordinatorUniversity of Witwatersrand

Taki Sithagu
Taki Sithagu
Taki SithaguProject CoordinatorUniversity of Witwatersrand

Urban Management Program CoordinatorUniversity of Lagos

Victor Onifade
Victor Onifade
Victor OnifadeUrban Management Program CoordinatorUniversity of Lagos

Part Time Project AdministratorUniversity of the Witwatersrand

Zakiyyah Ayob
Zakiyyah Ayob
Zakiyyah AyobPart Time Project AdministratorUniversity of the Witwatersrand

Current Scholarship Holders

PhD CohortUniversity of Lagos

Bankolay Theodore Turay
Bankolay Theodore Turay
Bankolay Theodore TurayPhD CohortUniversity of Lagos

PhD CohortUniversity of the Witwatersrand

James Gondwe
James Gondwe
James GondwePhD CohortUniversity of the Witwatersrand

PhD CohortUniversity of Lagos

Joy Oyiza Obadoba
Joy Oyiza Obadoba
Joy Oyiza ObadobaPhD CohortUniversity of Lagos

PhD CohortUniversity of the Witwatersrand

Michelle Tatenda Sonono
Michelle Tatenda Sonono
Michelle Tatenda SononoPhD CohortUniversity of the Witwatersrand

PhD CohortUniversity of Lagos

Mvendaga Paul Iorse
Mvendaga Paul Iorse
Mvendaga Paul IorsePhD CohortUniversity of Lagos

PhD CohortUniversity of the Witwatersrand

Nomathemba Dladla
Nomathemba Dladla
Nomathemba DladlaPhD CohortUniversity of the Witwatersrand

PhD CohortUniversity of Lagos

Oluwaseun Adesola Muraina
Oluwaseun Adesola Muraina
Oluwaseun Adesola MurainaPhD CohortUniversity of Lagos

PhD CohortUniversity of the Witwatersrand

Siyum Gudu Jeldu
Siyum Gudu Jeldu
Siyum Gudu JelduPhD CohortUniversity of the Witwatersrand


Project Coordinator (2016-2020)TU Berlin

Anna Steigemann
Anna Steigemann
Anna SteigemannProject Coordinator (2016-2020)TU Berlin

Postdoctoral FellowUniversity of Lagos

Basirat Oyalowo
Basirat Oyalowo
Basirat OyalowoPostdoctoral FellowUniversity of Lagos

Research FellowUniversity of the Witwatersrand

Carmel Rawhani
Carmel Rawhani
Carmel RawhaniResearch FellowUniversity of the Witwatersrand

Principal InvestigatorTU Berlin

Elke Beyer
Elke Beyer
Elke BeyerPrincipal InvestigatorTU Berlin

Project Coordinator (2016-2019)TU Berlin

Jakub Galuszka
Jakub Galuszka
Jakub GaluszkaProject Coordinator (2016-2019)TU Berlin

Project Member / Senior LecturerUniversity of the Witwatersrand

Tsepang Leuta
Tsepang Leuta
Tsepang LeutaProject Member / Senior LecturerUniversity of the Witwatersrand

Alumni and former team members

Postdoctoral FellowUniversity of the Witwatersrand

Christine Chawhanda
Christine Chawhanda
Christine ChawhandaPostdoctoral FellowUniversity of the Witwatersrand

Postdoctoral FellowUniversity of Lagos

Deborah Bunmi Ojo
Deborah Bunmi Ojo
Deborah Bunmi OjoPostdoctoral FellowUniversity of Lagos

AlumniUniversity of the Witwatersrand

Dennis Kamaanaa Sumbo
Dennis Kamaanaa Sumbo
Dennis Kamaanaa SumboAlumniUniversity of the Witwatersrand

AlumniUniversity of the Witwatersrand

Khabonina Masango
Khabonina Masango
Khabonina MasangoAlumniUniversity of the Witwatersrand

Student AssistantTU Berlin

Sebastian Lehmler
Sebastian Lehmler
Sebastian LehmlerStudent AssistantTU Berlin

AlumniUniversity of the Witwatersrand

Zonke Bella Gavrilov
Zonke Bella Gavrilov
Zonke Bella GavrilovAlumniUniversity of the Witwatersrand

If you are an alumni of the programme and want your profile to be represented on the website, please get in touch with us.

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